VAHTS DNA Clean Beads for DNA purification (N411)

VAHTSTM DNA Clean Beads work on the principle of Solid Phase Reverse Immobilization (SPRI). They are used for fragment size sorting and DNA purification in the construction of high-efficiency sequencing libraries.

VAHTSTM DNA Clean Beads are compatible with various kinds of RNA and DNA library building kits and the library building process published in the literature. The beads are used in the same way as the widely used AMPure XP Beads. The library’s results and size distribution are similar and comparable with AMPure XP Beads. The beads can be easily used in lieu of AMPure XP Beads, thus effectively lowering library building costs.

  1. Storage conditions

    • Store at 2-8 °C

    Product advantages

    • Effectively eliminate impurities
    • Lower experiment costs